Tanner was diagnosed with insulin dependent Type 1 Diabetes on this day. Gramps and Grandma Balderston drove us to Wesley Hospital in Wichita where Tanner and I spent a week getting his blood sugar under control and receiving training. I knew he was scared to death on the inside, but he never let it show! Nicknamed Tan-man from the time he was a baby, he showed that he indeed had the courage of a "man" by giving himself his own shots on the 3rd day in the hospital...in the stomach no less! Most adults cringe at the very thought, but not my Tanner.
A few years after Tanner was diagnosed the medical community began moving away from old school thinking where diabetics should only eat sugar-free foods. Instead they were moving in the direction of eating whatever you want...just make sure you dose for it. Thank goodness...this sure helped with Tanner sneaking yummy snacks and boy, did he ever sneak! The kid was a consumate pro at it! We would always find wrappers from all sorts of food hidden in drawers, behind and under furniture, stuffed between mattresses, just anywhere he could hide them.